Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Get some Physical Traing!

My physical trainer really worked me to death yesterday, my entire shirt was soaked.. even my shorts were were getting soaked...but I felt really good afterwords!

You know, I knew I was out of shape physically.. or maybe it was I believed that ROUND was in shape... lol.. anyway

Lacking exercise in your life is not very beneficial ( I just found out ) I am very sore at the moment but I know that meeting my goals will not be easy and there will be many moments of pain and times when I will want to give up.. But I also know what the rewards will be.. A healtier new me that will be able to enjoy a full and rewarding life that otherwise may have slipped out of my grasp if I had not started to do something about it.

My trainer user to be a size 26! Now she is a size 6 and that was 3 years of determination, sweat and sometimes pain... She looked phenomenal yeasterday, she was very patient and very motivating and although I did not have many smiles to give her in return, I was smiling on the inside!