Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Get some Physical Traing!

My physical trainer really worked me to death yesterday, my entire shirt was soaked.. even my shorts were were getting soaked...but I felt really good afterwords!

You know, I knew I was out of shape physically.. or maybe it was I believed that ROUND was in shape... lol.. anyway

Lacking exercise in your life is not very beneficial ( I just found out ) I am very sore at the moment but I know that meeting my goals will not be easy and there will be many moments of pain and times when I will want to give up.. But I also know what the rewards will be.. A healtier new me that will be able to enjoy a full and rewarding life that otherwise may have slipped out of my grasp if I had not started to do something about it.

My trainer user to be a size 26! Now she is a size 6 and that was 3 years of determination, sweat and sometimes pain... She looked phenomenal yeasterday, she was very patient and very motivating and although I did not have many smiles to give her in return, I was smiling on the inside!

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Update on my 6th week..

Daily average dietary intake 1894 calories.. I am getting to a plateau.. I have been keeping an eye on this diligently and I think I've realized that plateau's are the bodys way to reorganize and restructure your body mass..kepping my weekly average under my 2000 calories a day goal! Put another belt hole in the belt =)

I have an appointment with the surgeon August 03, 2011 and I will weigh in.. God willing.. I'll still be shedding weight.

Love you all!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

A very inspiring story for me

Dad loses hundreds of pounds for daughter:

Update on the 5th week of dietary changes and the effects

Daily average dietary intake 1920 calories.. noticed something, like tuesday I only had gotten time to take in 1280 calories that day, next 2 days following that were average of 2400 each day. kinda balanced itself out I guess. only took in more bc I just felt like I needed it.. but kept the weekly average under my 2000 limit!

Clothes are starting to feel looser, I am not in anywhere near as much pain when I am walking.. Seems like the first place you gain weight is the last place you lose weight.. geesh.. legs, arms, chest and neck are losing but the stomach not as quickly, but thats probably because there more in that section to lose.

It's been easy so far.. keeping a log of everything has helped tremedously! Love you all!

My thoughts on this so far..

I started my morning with a mile walk around the local park across from my house.. for those of you that know me will also know that just because I am round.. that is not a shape thats good for me or anyone for that matter .... the walk was hard.. and I asked myself many times.. why did I let myself get so out of shape? I never came up with a good answer.. just got lazy I guess... idk...lol

Anyway, on my walk I had to stop a few times to give my legs a rest... everytime I rested I prayed to GOD to give me the strength and the courage that I will need to complete this mile walk.. I talked to GOD along the way and at every rest... and at the end of my walk, I thanked GOD for helping me make it through.

Now.. I am not a bible thumper and not trying to convey any scripture, GOD knows that I have not been to any Church for a while.. but I do have a personal relationship with GOD and I pray to him every night before bed and I thank him for all of the good things ... and bad things in my life, I pray for my enemy and my friends.

Whenever I rested today.. alone.. no headphones.. nothing but myself, GOD and nature... I said "dear lord.. this is so hard... I'm hot... no water fountains... all of a sudden a strong breeze blew down on me... it was such a relief... then I thanked GOD for that..

Rested a few minutes then back to walking...

everytime I rested.. I took in my surroundings.. I listened to the tree leaves flap in the wind.. I watched the ants march on under my feet at the bench... seen a few birds scurrying for food... The skies are blue with wispy clouds... There is no way you can live on this planet and look around and honestly believe that it is all here by chance.. GOD put it here for you.. and for me.. to enjoy life, live, laugh and love ourselves and one another.

Started to remember verses from the bible.. one was something along the lines that our bodies are vessels for our soul.. to take care of our bodies, not to mark them, not to abuse them.. all were lessons learned early in life for me.. but as I look at myself now.. I still ask myself where did I go wrong on this?

I still don't know... but I have made a start to change... My doctor told me that if I don't exercise, eat right and get this surgery.. my Diabeties will kill me bc it is out of control and I will not live to see my grandson graduate 8th grade.. those words really hit home for me.. I'm only 43.. I have a long life ahead of me and it is my choice if I want to live or die.. I have a lot of things I want to do still..

I know I am starting ramble here folks, bear with me. i love all of you.. thanks for your support!

Wayne -

Monday, July 25, 2011

Welcome to my blog!

Thanks for visiting my weight loss journey.. I appreciate all of your support.. You can subscribe to my blog with google connect or you can subscribe by email. If all else fails.. Please bookmark my blog page and check back often =)

So here on my blog, I will be posting some of my recipies that I have figured out so far that is healthy and very delicious.. also I will be posting some of my ideals on boosting your effciency when losing weight among other things like tips and tricks that have worked for me..

Also you'll find me sharing some of the info gleaned from my personal trainer on exercises that are working for me.

Hopefully through these posts, I can help a few of you if not to lose weight, at least to start eating healthy..

So far I have inspired a few people.. the more people I can help..the more I have succeeded in this weight loss / healthy eating quest that I have been on =)